Living on campus is not only a requirement at ECU, but it’s also an essential part of the University experience. Our six residence halls—each representing different aspects of campus life—provide a dynamic and supportive living environment where friendships and collaborations flourish. Whether you’re practicing spellwork, cramming for an exam, or participating in a late-night spikeball match, the dorms are always buzzing with activity.

First-Year Dormitory — Hearthspire Hall

Housing all incoming students from every college.

Hearthspire Hall is the gateway to campus life at ECU. This towering residence hall sits on the eastern edge of Campus Proper and serves as the home for all first-year students. With a capacity of nearly 3,000 students, Hearthspire is designed to help newcomers adjust to life at the University. The Hall is divided into smaller household units, where 10–12 students share common living spaces, fostering an immediate sense of community. First-year advisors, senior students who mentor incoming freshmen, also reside here to help guide students through their first year.


Arkanoen House

Home to upperclassmen from the College of Arcane and Theoretical Studies

Situated near the campus' Nexus Tower, Arcanoen House is known for its mysterious and often whimsical atmosphere. The building is partially enchanted, with rooms that subtly shift layouts over time to match their residents' moods and magical studies. Expect to find students practicing their spells in the common areas or hosting impromptu discussions about arcane theory late into the night.
