At Ember Coast University, the academic journey is tailored to ensure that students leave as well-rounded individuals, equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to impact the world. Each of the five colleges offers a diverse range of majors and minors, allowing students to specialize in their passions while exploring a broad range of subjects. Below is an overview of some of our academic offerings and sample courses.

ECU thrives because of the dedication of its faculty, staff, and the innovative academic programs that challenge students to explore, create, and lead. Whether you're diving into arcane philosophy, mastering the art of crafting enchanted items, or learning the secrets of the natural world, our programs offer something for every student.

College of Arcane and Theoretical Studies (Arkanoen)

Sample Majors:

Sample Minors:

Sample Courses

ARC101 – Introduction to Arcane Arts. A foundational course covering basic spellcasting, magical theory, and the ethics of magic use. Students will be introduced to casting simple spells and learn about the structure of the Weave.
ARC202 – Ley Lines and Magical Currents. A detailed exploration of the world’s ley lines and how magical currents are channeled to power spells, enchantments, and rituals.
ARC307 – Enchanting Artifacts: Theory and Application. Students will learn the advanced techniques needed to infuse magical properties into objects, from simple charms to powerful artifacts.

College of Creation and the Arts (Sortza-Artiin)

Sample Majors: