ECU is at the forefront of magical research and innovation. Here are some of our most exciting ongoing projects:

Commercial Interplanar Travel Initiative

Sponsored by Ironclad Armaments

Led by Prof. Malthion Greycloak from the College of Arcane and Theoretical Studies, in collaboration with Capt. Tomaziir Greyspike from the College of Exploration and Martial Prowess.

This groundbreaking project aims to develop safe and reliable methods for commercial interplanar travel. Sponsored by Ironclad Armaments, a leading martial equipment manufacturer, this research could revolutionize both trade and exploration across the planes.

Key research areas include:

Eco-Magical Restoration of Blighted Lands

Led by Archdruid Selana Greenrough from the College of Nature and the Wilds.

This project combines druidic magic with cutting-edge magical theory to heal lands corrupted by dark magic or environmental disasters. Researchers are currently working on scalable restoration techniques that could be applied to large areas of blighted territory.

Enchanted Linguistics: Universal Translation Artifacts

A joint project between Prof. Lyra Wordweaver from the College of Society and Civilization and Master Orilius Fenn from the College of Creation and the Arts.

This ambitious project aims to create magical artifacts capable of real-time translation between any known languages, including those of extraplanar beings. Success could dramatically improve diplomatic relations and inter-species communication.

Arcane Computing: Merging Magic and Logic

Led by Adrix and Nev Twincaster from the college of Arcane Studies.

This cutting-edge research explores the potential of using magical energy to power and enhance computational processes. The team is working on creating "spell algorithms" that could revolutionize both magical practice and information processing.

Necrotic Energy Conversion for Sustainable Magic